Thursday, September 25, 2008

Questionairre Part Two

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working independently?
The biggest advantage, in my opinion, of working independently is that you work on your own schedule at the place of your choice. An independant worker can work at their house and sleep late every day. They don't have to follow a nine-to-five schedule. Also, they can work when they're in the mood. The biggest disadvantages are a non-steady paycheck and of course loneliness. Working from home keeps you away from your peers, but this can be easily solved by visiting a coffee shop. Also, it is always unpredictable whether or not your articles will be published.
How does your occupation/ position/ or status affect your potential
opportunities or career direction?
Well, having prior expericience in a field such as accounting or management is a neccessity. When working on your own, you must manage your own time well and keep track of your own funds. There won;t be a boss there to tell you what to do, so you need to take charge of yourself.
How does the frequency or infrequency of payment from freelancing
affect to the budget of a writer?
The budget of a writer must be stretched greatly. Although an article may give a big payday, there won't be a definite opportunity for another pay day. A writer must save up their funds because they don't know when they will be replenished.
How do flexibility, organization, and discipline affect a freelancer’s
capacity to research, generate and produce quality work?
A writer must have a flexible schedule because they never know when a golden opportunity will arrive. A publisher might make a sudden demand for a revision and a write must be prepared. They also must be organized so that they can keep track of there work and stay on top of it at all times. Discipline is applied in the same way, a write must know how to keep themselves on task at all times or they will fall behind.
How does one’s expertise or ignorance affect a freelancer’s choice of
If a writer recieves an assignment toreport on something that they know everything about, they will not only have an easy time reporting and researching, but they will also have a good time while doing it. If they recieve an assignment in a field where they have little experience, then they will have great trouble researching and won't enjoy themselves.
Should you say no to an assignment? Why or When (at what point)?
You should never turn down an assignment usless there is an absolute emergency preventing them from working, or they are already working on a more important story. If theres a personal emergency than obviously a person can't report on a story. Also, if theyre working on another important story, then they should cover the more important story so they can do their best.

Friday, September 19, 2008

CHS Scanner Questionnaire

Do you have a new favorite Hobby, TV show, book, type of music, film,
My favorite TV show is definitely The Office on NBC and I've been listening to a lot more ska and punk-rock lately like NoFX, The Alkaline Trio, The ISHC and older bands like Operation Ivy. I've been listening to more old-school punk too like the Descendants and Dead Kennedys.
What are your pet peeves?
People who say Ee pa who aren't Portuguese. Also, i'm annoyed when somebody tries to improve something with people when nothing is really wrong.
What makes you really angry?
I get really annoyed by people who assume that they know everything even when they only know one side of a story.
What things in the world do you really wish you could change?
I wish that I could change how people see eachother. So many people hate eachother and I think that's wrong. People should just learn to accept their differences and be together.
What people, places, and ideas are in the news at the moment?
I don't know what's in the news other than the presidential race and the war in Iraq. The news I hear about are usually stupid local things that are generic, nothing big.
Are there any events coming up in the next six months or in the next year that are sure to be newsworthy and that you can get the jump on now?
I think the presidential election is definitely newsworthy but everybody is covering that. I think a good story to cover might be anything that happens in school or locally because that's who's going to be reading my articles.
What’s new in your city?
 Nothing is too new, there are more speed bumps and a newly paved highway.
[What’s new in your school?]
The new things in school are the Wellness Center and the new science hallway. Also, I think there are more new teachers.
What’s new in your immediate neighborhood?
A lot of new houses have been built in my neighborhood. Also, my neighbors have recently moved to North Carolina.
What’s new with your family?
Two of my brothers are now in college and I'm in high school. 
Is your generation, ethnic group, or racial group facing changes,

hardships, or freedoms that have not been addressed in the past? 

Well this doesn't directly affect me, but a recent issue or freedom has to do with abortion. It is very new and controversial and has made alot of news. Another issue affecting me directly is that teenagers have to deal with a lot in their lives. I have  to balance sports, obscene amounts of homework, and my friends and it's too much to handle. Adults expect too much from kids and they need to learn to let them have some time to themselves.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Google Chrome

Who: Google Executives
What: They launched a new web browser
Where: The Internet
When: Thursday September 4, 2008
Why: To change the way we use computers
How: By launching a new web browser

OJ Simpson Trial

Who: OJ Simpson
What: On trial for Armed Robbery
Where: Las Vegas
When: Wednesday September 3, 2008
Why: OJ was accused of Armed Robbery
How: He is going on trial

Kanye West Arrest

Who: Kanye West
What: Broke a paparazzi's $1,000,000 camera on the floor
Where: Los Angeles International Airport
When:Thursday, September 11 before 8 A.M.
Why: The photographer put his camera near Kanye's face so he smashed it out of self defense
How: He threw it on the floor out of self defense

Monday, September 15, 2008

“Lipstick on a Pig”

Governor Sarah Pailin made a comment that the only difference between a pitbull and a hockeymom is lipstick. Senator Barrack Obama made a comment later at the Democratic Convention in Denver that a person can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. He intended this to mean that you can disguise something and call it change but it isnt a change. This is becasue John McCaine is "all about change," but he's basically just re-naming old things. Some want Obama to apologize to Pailin even though he didnt intend to offend her.

New Ipods and “Let’s Rock” Event

Steve Jobs of Apple Computers help an Apple Event called the, "Let's Rock," event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco on September 9, 2008. He help this event to show off new iPods such as a less expensive Touch and a motion sensitive iPod Nano. He also showed off the new genius playlist software that automatically makes playlists for you based on what you are currently listeneing to. He did all of this in a conference.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Post

This is my first post. I just wanted to see if it would work so this is just a test. This blog is for Cumberland High School.